This includes all Common Traits for a Nautipod’s Eyes. They do NOT need to be listed at all when uploading a design, and are strictly informational. You may use as many as you’d like while designing a MYO
Blank Eyes - [Eyes that do not have any pattern ◯]
Black and White Eyes - [Black outline, white inside◯]
Round Eyes - [Eyes are circular in shape ◯]
Dot Eyes - [Small Pupil ⨀⦿]
Slit Eyes
Colored Eyes - [Eyes are most commonly black and white, but can be colored as well]
[Eyes have a secondary set of colors they can swap between]
Eyes may have their base and pupil color shift between one other color to another set of colors.
Eyes with patterns, dual color, sectoral eye, etc. do not have their shape change but may have their color change along with the base color of the eye.
Effects on the eye such as sparkle, opalescent, or metallic do not change their effect but may change color with the eye.
Cannot stack for multiple colors or multiple variants of eyes. Only applies once to allow one additional set of colors on a singular eye set.
[The pattern of the eye shifts. Patterns should have a similar base to avoid appearing as a completely different eye. This creates up to five patterns total. This trait does not require the use of the Patterned Eye Trait, as it is included within this trait automatically]
Can be applied via the Never-Ending Treat. (Can be swapped to any same-species trait the item applies.)
[The pattern of the eye shifts. Patterns should have a similar base to avoid appearing as a completely different eye. This creates up to ten patterns total. This trait does not require the use of the Patterned Eye Trait, as it is included within this trait automatically]