A cool headed laid back guy who may or may not have accidentally gotten himself involved in the mafia. He doesn't try to pay it much mind though as the boss gives him stuff for free so why complain about it and ruin this good gig.

He is a delivery guy who travels around alot. Loves to be outside and explore the skies and being able to make money doing that is just a bonus. Sometimes he even delivers stuff for his friend DonNika and simply turns a blind eye to the fact it's probably something he could go to jail if caught in his possesion. Then again they have to catch him first for that to happen.

Betelguese (Best friend) - His closest friend who he loves to follow around and mess with from time to time. 
DonNika (Friend) - Loves to cling against his back. Also appreciates how DonNika supplies him for free as long as he delivers things for him sometimes. 
Kreture (Friend) - Party buddy and loves to race against him from time to time!


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