" Tired of your sh!t " - Costumer service people 

Unenthusiastic | Tired | Underpaid


Laffy is his name and he'd rather you forget it because " Haha laffy taffy " " oh Like you're always laughing haha! " Haha no. He's basically the personality child of overworked Larry from AWOG and the passive aggressive attitude of Burgerpants from Undertale. Spite being the most unsociable CCCAT that hasn't been kicked out of the hive mind yet you can find him working almost every customer service/ retail job out there for the bare minimum. Why? Money, coins. 

No clue if this man has a home or sleeps between jobs. Maybe that's why he's so tired. . 


Human form: no. 



> Resting 'B' Face. His toothy grin helps added the joyous smile to his name. 

> Never draw his hair down, I think the day that ponytail holding his hair up breaks he will too Gkhkfkfkd 

> The patterned side of the tongue is actually the back, the purple is what you'll usually see. Speaking of that the yellow highlights on the horseshoe isn't apart of the design it's just highlights. Feel free to just use a white highlight or none at all. 

> Otherwise being unable to properly keep up the fur length for his back and back of his arms [see reference], he keeps himself pretty clean. Why do you think he puts up his tail floof and hair? 

> Actually really large. Probably around 8ft cannon wise. 

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