Honestly a pathetic excuse for a crook but he is living his best life. One of Kuwani's coworkers who tends to cost more damage then actually get work done correctly. But Kuwani keeps him around for some reason so he must be doing something right????

A mischievous individual who is full of energy all the time. Quite stratigecal and make good game plans, even change things up last minute if need be, which is probably the only reason Kuwani keeps him around. Has a bit of an ego and feeds on praise like it's his lifeline. Under the cool awesome persona he likes to try to play off is a coward who will try to get out of a situation the moment it is no longer in his favor. Whether that be he straight up tries to run away or hide behind someone he deems stronger. Big time liar who will glorify himself in stories to seem cool to others. On top of all of this he is unable keep a secret to save his life no matter how hard he tries, this has left him in situations where he accidentally told Kuwani or even scarier, DonNika, something he wasn't supposed to which has landed others in bad situations. Not many of his coworkers like him for these aspects but he doesn't seem to notice or care what they think.

Kuwani (Boss) - Respects and looks up to him, will commonly follow him around and talk to Kuwani even if he never responds back.
Perokkat (Co-worker) - Her shared looks to her father put him on edge but he still makes and effort to get along and interact with her regularly.
DonNika (Scared of him) - Their first interaction left him terrified of DonNika from that point on. 
Grimm (Best Friend) - Loves Grimm's company while he is out doing jobs because he is the only one who seems to genuinely like being around him. His lack of worry in dangerous situations ticks off Betel sometimes though.

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