Man has tired dad energy and just needs a break before the constant stress of dealing with those he lives with gets to him. Theator kid who does performaces in the city theator for an income. Due to this he is quite good at acting but for the most part just uses this skill to hide how physically/mentally tired he is from the others so they don't worry about him too much.  They may get on his nerves but he cares about them all dearly and would do whatever he could to keep they safe and happy. 

Reulogy (Friend/Roommate) - Wishes he would help him sometimes when it comes to the other 2 but it is what it is.  Feels as though he is missing something so he tries to step in when Reu is comfortable with it.
Kreture (Friend/Roommate) - Stress causer 1, worries about his reckless behavior alot. Though he appreciates his ability to keep the mood positive at all times.
 Ky (Friend/Roommate) - Stress causer 2, lack of self preservation is a big concern and hates how she gets in her head all the time. Wishes she would believe in herself more often. 

Full code can be found on his toyhouse

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