A level headed fashion enthusiast who has an interesting upbringing. Lived alone for the longest time before being found by the main friend group and was dragged into it by overly energetic cat thing-? Underneath all the attitude and sass there is a form of care for those who have valued his presence around them, he just can't show it all too well.

Generally can be pretty laid back and cool headed. Though has a strong ego and sense of self worth which could shatter the cool facade if around the right people. It doesn't help he can become easily offended when something he does is insulted or if he is directly talked down to.

Chisino (Father) - He loves his father more then he lets on to those around him, values every second he is able to spend around him.
DonNika (Uncle) - Scared of his uncle due to how acts to those not in the family but is pretty sure he won't hurt him purposefully.
Hobi (Cousin) - Acts like he hates her, he in fact does not and their company is comforting.
Perokkat (Cousin) - They argue alot and seem to always be at each others throats like siblings.
Solvester (Friend/Roommate) - Feels bad for what he has to deal with in their household so he tends to give him a break when it comes to attitude.
Kreture (Friend/Roommate) -  Reu's pessimistic view on things tends to clash alot with his optimistic views.
Ky (Friend/Roommate) - Definition of a friend who just kinda showed up in your life and now you can't get rid of them.
Shimmer (Enemy) - HATES THIS GUY!!! He gets on every last one of Reu's nerves and he is always about 2 seconds away from lunging at him.

Full code can be found on his toyhouse

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