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Multiple sets of Wing Vents

Multiple sets of Wing Vents (Aetherial)

Category: Body
Species: Gravents

[Each extra vent has a set of wings corresponding]


Guild (Aetherial)

Category: Body
Species: Gravents

[Excessive vent magic that forms or collects around a gravent into a spot or shape. Can appear in multiple ways, such as clouds or a halo]

True Flight Wings

True Flight Wings (Aetherial)

Category: True Wings
Species: Gravents

[True wings large enough to carry a gravent in flight]

Multiple True Wings

Multiple True Wings (Aetherial)

Category: True Wings
Species: Gravents

[More than 2, less than or equal to 6]

Wings Elsewhere

Wings Elsewhere (Aetherial)

Category: True Wings
Species: Gravents

[Wings found on other parts of the body, like haunches, elbows, etc. Adds one pair of wings per aetherial trait]

Multiple Vent Wings

Multiple Vent Wings (Aetherial)

Category: Vent Wings
Species: Gravents

[More than 2, less than or equal to 8]

Space Vent Wings

Space Vent Wings (Aetherial)

Category: Vent Wings
Species: Gravents

[Vent appears starry and space-like]

Hand Vent Wings

Hand Vent Wings (Aetherial)

Category: Vent Wings
Species: Gravents

[Vent wings resemble a hand]


Aetherial (Aetherial)

Category: Unused
Species: Gravents

[Can be used to add 1 Aetherial trait to a Gravent]

  • This can only be used on the design or MYO slot it is attached to, and cannot be transferred to another design
  • You may receive this trait as compensation if a design has a trait that is downgraded in rarity
  • Please submit a Design Approval to use these traits. All traits added must be depicted in the masterlist image
  • Designs using touched tickets or slots may be subject to more changes than average when approving designs due to the multitude of the traits available
Gravent Sizes (Aetherial)

Gravent Sizes (Aetherial) (Aetherial)

Species: Gravents

Available to Gravent that possess a aetherial trait or higher. Does not count as an extra trait.

  • Extra Tiny - [The Gravent is smaller than Chibi. It cannot be so miniscule that it is invisible. Min 1’0”]
  • Extremely Large - [The Gravent is larger than Monster size. It cannot be impossibly large. Max 6’6”]

30 results found.