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Wings (CCCats) (Touched)

Category: Body
Species: CCCats

[Body has sets of wings]

  • Wings can be feathered, bat wings, or a mix of the two.
  • Wings may be anywhere on the body and be any size. Can be overgrown with the addition of the Overgrown trait
  • Wings may be hidden. Certain traits such as crowns or CCCat mutation that are located on wings are automatically moved to the back when wings are hidden.
  • Wings grant levitation magic to allow for flight regardless of size
  • Arthropod Host may change wings to bug-like and allow for translucency
  • Aquatic Host allows for fin-like wings
  • Begins with 2 pairs or wings [4 total]. Each new application of this trait allows 2 new pairs [4 wings]
  • Webbing or Feathers cannot be placed elsewhere on the body without their respective traits

Wings (Crooks) (Oddity)

Category: Body
Species: Crooks

[Body has sets of wings]

  • Wings can be feathered, bat wings, or a mix of the two.
  • Wings may be anywhere on the body and be any size. Can be overgrown with the addition of the Overgrown trait
  • Wings may be hidden. Certain traits such as tendrils that are located on wings are automatically moved to the back when wings are hidden.
  • Wings grant levitation magic to allow for flight regardless of size
  • Arthropod Host may change wings to bug-like and allow for translucency
  • Aquatic Host allows for fin-like wings
  • Begins with 2 pairs or wings [4 total]. Each new application of this trait allows 2 new pairs [4 wings]
  • Webbing or Feathers cannot be placed elsewhere on the body without their respective traits



Wings (Nautipods) (Abyssal)

Category: Body
Species: Nautipods

[Body has sets of wings]

  • Wings can be feathered, bat wings, or a mix of the two.
  • Wings may be anywhere on the body and be any size. Can be overgrown with the addition of the Overgrown trait
  • Wings may be hidden. Certain traits such as tentacles that are located on wings are automatically moved to the back when wings are hidden.
  • Wings grant levitation magic to allow for flight regardless of size
  • Arthropod Host may change wings to bug-like and allow for translucency
  • Aquatic Host allows for fin-like wings
  • Begins with 2 pairs or wings [4 total]. Each new application of this trait allows 2 new pairs [4 wings]
  • Webbing or Feathers cannot be placed elsewhere on the body without their respective traits
Common True Wings

Common True Wings (Common)

Category: True Wings
Species: Gravents

This includes all Common Traits for a Gravent’s True Wings. They do NOT need to be listed at all when uploading a design, and are strictly informational. You may use as many as you’d like while designing a MYO

  • Bird Wings - [Feathered wings]
  • Bat Wings - [Wings that are featherless and fingered like a bat's]
  • Combo Wings - [A combination between bird/bat styles]

Holed Wings

Holed Wings (Uncommon)

Category: True Wings
Species: Gravents

[Small holes in wings, naturally occurring]

Dragon Wings

Dragon Wings (Uncommon)

Category: True Wings
Species: Gravents

[Reptilian wings with fingers ending in spikes, and sometimes have frayed edges]

Chibi Wings

Chibi Wings (Rare)

Category: True Wings
Species: Gravents

[Smaller than normal wings that may not cover the entirety of the vent]

Layered Wings

Layered Wings (Rare)

Category: True Wings
Species: Gravents

[Multiple layers of feather or webbing that overlap on a singular wing. Applies to more than two layers]

Insect Wings

Insect Wings (Myth)

Category: True Wings
Species: Gravents

[Beetle, Dragonfly, or Butterfly wings. Can be transparent. Must still have hook present]

43-image.pngCan be applied via the Stinger Sourpop.
(Can be swapped to any same-species trait the item applies.)
True Flight Wings

True Flight Wings (Aetherial)

Category: True Wings
Species: Gravents

[True wings large enough to carry a gravent in flight]

Multiple True Wings

Multiple True Wings (Aetherial)

Category: True Wings
Species: Gravents

[More than 2, less than or equal to 6]

Wings Elsewhere

Wings Elsewhere (Aetherial)

Category: True Wings
Species: Gravents

[Wings found on other parts of the body, like haunches, elbows, etc. Adds one pair of wings per aetherial trait]

Common Vent Wings

Common Vent Wings (Common)

Category: Vent Wings
Species: Gravents

This includes all Common Traits for a Gravent’s Vent Wings. They do NOT need to be listed at all when uploading a design, and are strictly informational. You may use as many as you’d like while designing a MYO

  • Patterned
  • Solid Colors
  • Gradient Colors
  • Bird Wings - [Feathered wings]
  • Bat Wings - [Wings that are featherless and fingered like a bat's]
  • Combo Wings - [A combination between bird/bat styles]
  • Trailing Wings - [Leaves a colored trail in the sky for a short
  • distance while flying]
  • Glowing Vent Wings - [Vent wings emit a glow]

Particle Vent Wings

Particle Vent Wings (Uncommon)

Category: Vent Wings
Species: Gravents

[Vent wings emit small particles. Can have small shapes but must remain small]

15-image.pngCan be applied via the Feather Duster.
(Can be swapped to any same-species trait the item applies.)
Royal Vent Wings

Royal Vent Wings (Uncommon)

Category: Vent Wings
Species: Gravents

[Long, ribbon-like vent wing piece]

6-image.pngCan be applied via the Silky Brush.
(May be swapped to other same-species traits the item applies.)
Shattered Vent Wings

Shattered Vent Wings (Uncommon)

Category: Vent Wings
Species: Gravents

[Vent wings appear shattered/cracked into multiple pieces]

111-image.pngCan be applied via the Shattered Hammer (Cannot be swapped to any other trait.)
Color-Changing Vent Wings

Color-Changing Vent Wings (Rare)

Category: Vent Wings
Species: Gravents

[Vent wings can shift between two colors]

Insect Vent Wings

Insect Vent Wings (Rare)

Category: Vent Wings
Species: Gravents

[Vent wings insectoid in nature, beetle, dragonfly, or butterfly]

Segmented Vent Wings

Segmented Vent Wings (Rare)

Category: Vent Wings
Species: Gravents

[Encompasses any wings that have larger, segmented parts that float separate from the base wing, such as skeletal, and floating vent wing pieces]

28 results found.