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Lip Tags

Lip Tags (CCCats) (Uncommon)

Category: Body
Species: CCCats

[The lip has protruding shapes or tags]

  • Lips have protruding shapes that can be pointed, blunt, drippy, zipper-like, or akin to eyelashes
  • Can be droopy or more rigid
  • Can be any color
  • Can be linked or have holes
  • Cannot appear to come from inside the mouth
  • Cannot extend the entire lip
  • Cannot resemble Crowns
12-image.pngCan be applied via the Lip Liner.
(Can be swapped to any same-species trait the item applies.)
Lip Tags

Lip Tags (Crooks) (Uncommon)

Category: Body
Species: Crooks

[The lip has protruding shapes or tags]

  • Lips have protruding shapes that can be pointed, blunt, drippy, zipper-like, or akin to eyelashes
  • Can be droopy or more rigid
  • Can be any color
  • Can be linked or have holes
  • Cannot appear to come from inside the mouth
  • Cannot extend the entire lip
12-image.pngCan be applied via the Lip Liner.
(Can be swapped to any same-species trait the item applies.)
Lip Tags

Lip Tags (Gravents) (Uncommon)

Category: Body
Species: Gravents

[The lip has protruding shapes or tags]

  • Lips have protruding shapes that can be pointed, blunt, drippy, zipper-like, or akin to eyelashes
  • Can be droopy or more rigid
  • Can be any color
  • Can be linked or have holes
  • Cannot appear to come from inside the mouth
  • Cannot extend the entire lip
12-image.pngCan be applied via the Lip Liner.
(Can be swapped to any same-species trait the item applies.)
Lip Tags

Lip Tags (Nautipods) (Uncommon)

Category: Body
Species: Nautipods

[The lip has protruding shapes or tags]

  • Lips have protruding shapes that can be pointed, blunt, drippy, zipper-like, or akin to eyelashes
  • Can be droopy or more rigid
  • Can be any color
  • Can be linked or have holes
  • Cannot appear to come from inside the mouth
  • Cannot extend the entire lip
12-image.pngCan be applied via the Lip Liner.
(Can be swapped to any same-species trait the item applies.)
4 results found.