Mari-22's Item Logs

Wisp Lantern (×1)
Box Opened
10 months ago
Wisps (×4)
Box Rewards (Received rewards from opening Wisp Lantern)
10 months ago
Wisp Lantern (×1)
Box Opened
10 months ago
Wisp Lantern (×1)
Shop Purchase (Purchased from [Event] Lantern Shop by Mari-22 for 0 Crowns.)
10 months ago
Staff Deleted (Deleted by Frog)
10 months ago
Staff Grant (Granting non-payed but equivalent MYO Slot Item due to slot being purchased by another user or as a gift!)
10 months ago
Wisp Lantern (×1)
Prompt Rewards (Received rewards for submission (#904))
10 months ago
Character Design Updated (Item used in Character design update (#319))
10 months ago
Staff Grant (Halloween 2023 MYO Slot sale)
10 months ago
Wisps (×7)
Choice Box Opened
10 months ago
Wisps (×7)
Box Rewards (Received rewards from opening Wisp Lantern)
10 months ago
Wisp Lantern (×1)
Box Opened
10 months ago
Wisp Lantern (×1)
Prompt Rewards (Received rewards for submission (#822))
10 months ago
Wisps (×1)
Choice Box Opened
10 months ago
Wisps (×4)
Choice Box Opened
10 months ago
Wisps (×4)
Box Rewards (Received rewards from opening Wisp Lantern)
10 months ago
Wisp Lantern (×1)
Box Opened
10 months ago
Prompt Rewards (Received rewards for submission (#771))
10 months ago
Wisps (×1)
Prompt Rewards (Received rewards for submission (#771))
10 months ago
Wisp Lantern (×1)
Prompt Rewards (Received rewards for submission (#771))
10 months ago
Staff Deleted (Deleted by Frog)
10 months ago
Raffle Entry Rewards (Received rewards for entering the raffle Secret Raffle (#16))
10 months ago
Wisps (×10)
Choice Box Opened
10 months ago
Wisps (×1)
Choice Box Opened
10 months ago
Wisps (×2)
Box Rewards (Received rewards from opening Wisp Lantern)
10 months ago
Wisps (×2)
Box Rewards (Received rewards from opening Wisp Lantern)
10 months ago
Wisps (×7)
Box Rewards (Received rewards from opening Wisp Lantern)
10 months ago
Wisp Lantern (×3)
Box Opened
10 months ago
Wisp Lantern (×3)
Box Rewards (Received rewards from opening Halloween Box)
10 months ago
Box Opened
10 months ago