Submission (#3396) Approved

28 February 2024, 23:16:43 UTC (11 months ago)
29 February 2024, 21:28:01 UTC (11 months ago) by Sweet-n-treat
◦ Question: "Who was there for you in a time of great need?"
◦ Payout Details: 5,131 Words (not counting title and question) = 54 Crowns for 2,000 words
◦ Total Payout: 54 Crowns
◦ Other: Other characters mentioned in the story don't exist and are there purely to move the plot (hence why no names are mentioned)
Reward Amount
Crowns 0
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Loot Tables Rolled [ Show ]

Loot Table Reward Amount
Criteria Rewards

Standard Prompt Payout (Writing) - 54 Crowns

Word Count: 2000 Words
Magic Bonus: 0
Gift/NPC Bonus: Off
Send Back if Payout is Revised: On