Claim (#123) Approved

1 September 2023, 22:18:04 UTC (1 year ago)
1 September 2023, 23:27:49 UTC (1 year ago) by spockirkcoy
◉ Old Skire.Club Username: BlackEyedPriest
◉ Discord or best contact information (In case we need further verification of an identity): NotoriousWAP on discord
◉ Characters you are claiming: (Please list this even if you attach it so we can make sure you've added the correct character to your claim) :
MYO cccat-510
◉ Items you are claiming: (Please list this even if you attach it so we can make sure you've added the correct item to your claim)
◉ Links to proof of ownership: (Please detail what link is for what character if multiple)
I’m not sure if my proof is adequate as I’m new to this but it links to the comments on the character’s toyhouse, where me and the previous owner traded him!